Desktop bccf419a504833f73a5966dcc9ced3779b3b2611 Tablet 698d038e36fb9f2cbb50b3234fefc9b525b135d2 Mobile 15d3793195ec1f67c172744dcfd8e35db90e8526

Galleri Norske Grafikere


Contemporary prints by Norwegian and international artists.

The gallery has about 8 exhibitions a year, and represents more than 350 artists, making it the country's most important place for viewing contemporary prints. See works by artists who will dominate tomorrow's art scene, as well as the established artists of today.


Opening hours

  1. MondayClosed
  2. TuesdayClosed
  3. Wednesday12:00 - 17:00
  4. Thursday12:00 - 18:00
  5. Friday12:00 - 17:00
  6. Saturday12:00 - 16:00
  7. SundayClosed

Contact details

Tollbugata 24, 0157 Oslo
23 35 89 40


  1. 558803d9e421fa1894228c94b94ccb96e9ac89eeGalleri Norske Grafikere

    En varmere vind

    Sverre Bjertnæs

    • Closed
  2. C15a61570ef406f0781ba9b9434450b5bd4a0b17Galleri Norske Grafikere

    without title

    Bjørn Bjarre

    • Closed
  3. 1b24d34673976e9b36ec17ad177fbde97adc9c44Galleri Norske Grafikere

    I Had a Dream of Chasing a Dream

    Debangona Paul

    • Closed
  4. B436d81e2f8078339d9342dc05ef710b96807ad3Galleri Norske Grafikere


    Scott O’Rourke

    • Closed


  1. C15a61570ef406f0781ba9b9434450b5bd4a0b17Galleri Norske Grafikere

    Opening: Opening

    Bjørn Bjarre

    • 18:00
  2. 1b24d34673976e9b36ec17ad177fbde97adc9c44Galleri Norske Grafikere

    Opening: I Had a Dream of Chasing a Dream

    Debangona Paul

    • 18:00
  3. B436d81e2f8078339d9342dc05ef710b96807ad3Galleri Norske Grafikere

    Opening: Mutations

    Scott O’Rourke

    • 18:00

Opening hours

  1. MondayClosed
  2. TuesdayClosed
  3. Wednesday12:00 - 17:00
  4. Thursday12:00 - 18:00
  5. Friday12:00 - 17:00
  6. Saturday12:00 - 16:00
  7. SundayClosed

Contact details

Tollbugata 24, 0157 Oslo
23 35 89 40