Desktop 1a6178d53479721977daa33391cca1ddbf5a103b Tablet 0ceca58025cb01e708acf12f3f83d8a941d52973 Mobile 27cae291853e23c8e5715ab605c87ab53094967f

Astrup Fearnley Museet


Founded in 1993, the museum is one of Scandinavia's most notable museums for contemporary art and holds the extensive Astrup Fearnley Collection, with significant works by some of today’s leading international artists. With changing exhibitions that both draw on the collection and new commissions by artists from all over the world.


Opening hours

  1. Monday - Wednesday11:00 - 17:00
  2. Thursday11:00 - 19:00
  3. Friday - Sunday11:00 - 17:00

Contact details

Strandpromenaden 2, 0252 Oslo
22 93 60 60


  1. 01342d5638091ca47b805ad25e407d4b676be80dAstrup Fearnley Museet

    The Deep West Assembly, Cauleen Smith

    Cauleen Smith

    • Closed
  2. 6d21339205d274197fd662a8b2174e86d0d65acaAstrup Fearnley Museet

    The Astrup Fearnley Collection

    • Closed


  1. No upcoming events


Opening hours

  1. Monday - Wednesday11:00 - 17:00
  2. Thursday11:00 - 19:00
  3. Friday - Sunday11:00 - 17:00

Contact details

Strandpromenaden 2, 0252 Oslo
22 93 60 60