
Experience luxury. Learn luxury. Be luxury ;)

Rudolf Kangwa, Bwalya Bwalya Kangwa, Victoria Duffee, Nanna Melland, Melissa Schwarz, Erin Sexton, Béatrice Sylvie
  • 18:00

Don your most lavish attire and please be on time for a special choreographed evening by the residents of Your pleasure, Our pain.

The residents are: lapidary and educator Rudolf Kangwa (ZM), entrepreneur and educator Bwalya Bwalya Kangwa (ZM), visual artist Victoria Duffee (US/NO), contemporary jewellery artist Nanna Melland (NO), artist, designer and educator Melissa Schwarz (DE), visual artist Erin Sexton (CA/NO), entrepreneur and fashion consultant Béatrice Sylvie (FR).

PRAKSIS residency 28, Your Pleasure, Our Pain - The ethics of luxury, takes place from 12 August - 9 September 2024. It brings together eight residents to conduct research and raise awareness of the urgent issues surrounding the luxury industry, with a specific focus on the gemstones industry. This unusual and ground-breaking residency is co-developed with lapidary Rudolf Kangwa, Lusaka Centre for Contemporary Art (LuCAC), Goethe-Institut Norwegen and Institut français de Norvège.



Opening hours

  1. MondayClosed
  2. TuesdayClosed
  3. WednesdayClosed
  4. ThursdayClosed
  5. FridayClosed
  6. SaturdayClosed
  7. SundayClosed

Contact details

Rådhusgata 19, 0158 Oslo
411 81 721


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