Experience luxury. Learn luxury. Be luxury ;)
Rudolf Kangwa, Bwalya Bwalya Kangwa, Victoria Duffee, Nanna Melland, Melissa Schwarz, Erin Sexton, Béatrice SylvieDon your most lavish attire and please be on time for a special choreographed evening by the residents of Your pleasure, Our pain.
The residents are: lapidary and educator Rudolf Kangwa (ZM), entrepreneur and educator Bwalya Bwalya Kangwa (ZM), visual artist Victoria Duffee (US/NO), contemporary jewellery artist Nanna Melland (NO), artist, designer and educator Melissa Schwarz (DE), visual artist Erin Sexton (CA/NO), entrepreneur and fashion consultant Béatrice Sylvie (FR).
PRAKSIS residency 28, Your Pleasure, Our Pain - The ethics of luxury, takes place from 12 August - 9 September 2024. It brings together eight residents to conduct research and raise awareness of the urgent issues surrounding the luxury industry, with a specific focus on the gemstones industry. This unusual and ground-breaking residency is co-developed with lapidary Rudolf Kangwa, Lusaka Centre for Contemporary Art (LuCAC), Goethe-Institut Norwegen and Institut français de Norvège.