On show outside at Rosenkrantz’ gate 14.
Damien Ajavon is inspired by Larry Mitchell’s cult classic The Faggots and Their Friends Between Revolutions, in which we encounter numerous queer characters living their lives in the patriarchal and lonley Ramrod, anticipating the next revolution. In Queer Utopia, Ajavon have staged themselves in their artwork and each character is given a frame and exalted on the facade. The artwork deals with queerness, sexual liberation, identity, and multiculturalism – topics still by many met with predjudices and taboos. Queer Utopia is a celebration of diversity and freedom yet also with a critical lense towards the norms and structures in which we operate. Queer Utopia, overflowing with excess and joy, is an antithesis to suspicion and polemics.
Mesén is curator and producer