BO – Billedkunstnerne i Oslo

Opening: Looming/Looping

Niels Munk Plum, Damien Ajavon, Håkon Lillegraven
  • 18:00

The meeting point between artists Niels Munk Plum and Damien Ajavon in Looming/Looping is their interest in highlighting the physical labour of their artistic work, and resistance to categorisation. Trained respectively in “fine arts” and “arts and craft”, Plum and Ajavon simultaneously entangle and unfix preconceptions of what art is, and invite active spectatorship. Together, they seek to confront notions of “craftsmanship” as it relates to the concept of “expertise”, which create and maintain hierarchies within artistic labour.

Created in dialogue with curator Håkon Lillegraven, the exhibition seeks to resist categorisation as merely “queer” or binary practitioners, and to shed light on the performative and material aspects of both artists’ work. The exhibition invites visitors to engage with what it means to perceive artistic praxis and reflect on the categories and stories about provenance which we use to tether ourselves to the world.

BO – Billedkunstnerne i Oslo


Opening hours

  1. MondayClosed
  2. TuesdayClosed
  3. Wednesday - Sunday12:00 - 16:00

Contact details

Rådhusgata 19, 0158 Oslo


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